Department of Statistics Unitmark
Dietrich College of Humanities and Social Sciences
March 26, 2012, 12:00AM
  • Daniel McDonald has been selected as the ASA Pittsburgh Chapter Student of the Year for CMU in 2012.
  • Anne-Sophie Charest (PhD, Stat) has been selected as the 2012 recipient of the CMU Graduate Service Award. This award is given in recognition of graduate student service that has "advanced the interests of Carnegie Mellon graduate students, improved the quality of life for graduate students on campus and/or contributed to the larger academic community". Anne-Sophie will receive her award during the Graduate Student Research Symposium on April 5th.
  • Sonia Siok (SDS, Stat) has been selected as a recipient of the CMU Alumni Association Student Service Award for 2012. She is being honored for her service to the university community and the surrounding Pittsburgh community. Sonia will be recognized during the Fall 2012 Homecoming weekend.
  • Brittanie Boone (Econ-Stat, 2012) has been chosen as a 2011-2012 Andrew Carnegie Society Scholar. This award is for seniors who "embody high standards of academic excellence combined with multi-dimensional characteristics such as volunteerism, involvement in student organizations, participation in sports or the...
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June 28, 2010, 3:23PM

William F. Eddy, the John C. Warner Professor of Statistics, will complete his second three-year term as chairman of the Committee on National Statistics (CNSTAT) at the National Academies on June 30. CNSTAT is an independent and objective resource for evaluating and improving the work of the highly decentralized U.S. federal statistical system. Eddy is the only person to have chaired both statistics committees at the National Academies, having previously been chairman of the Committee on Applied and Theoretical Statistics.

April 22, 2010, 11:44AM

Joseph B. Kadane, the Leonard J. Savage University Professor of Statistics and Social Sciences, Emeritus, was elected a 2010 Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.

Dr. Kadane joins 229 leaders in the sciences, social sciences, the humanities, the arts, business and public affairs to be elected this year to the American Academy of Arts & Sciences. The election of Dr. Kadane, along with 2 other University members from the School of Computer Science inductees, this year marks the highest number of academy inductees in any one year for Carnegie Mellon.

Founded in 1780, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences is an independent policy research center that conducts multidisciplinary studies of complex and emerging problems. The Academy’s elected members are leaders in the academic disciplines, the arts, business, and public affairs. The membership of this institution now stands at 4000 American Fellows, and 600 Foreign Honorary Members, and we are proud to support Dr. Kadane as one of the newest!

April 12, 2010, 4:18PM

Today, April 12th 2010, we have launched a major redesign of our department website. The new site design provides online visitors with dramatic improvements in navigation, appearance and accessibility. We expect the new site to enhance our ability to communicate our current projects and expertise to the world, and hope that this flow of information will create even more valuable partnerships with others in the field of statistics. Look forward to the addition of more resources available here in the near future!

March 15, 2010, 3:53PM

Noon, McConomy Auditorium

U.S. Census Bureau Director Robert Groves will speak to the campus community about what the census is, how the data is used, how the data will remain confidential and why it's so important to participate. He also will talk about what his office has done to help increase awareness, including the controversial Super Bowl commercial.

June 2, 2008, 12:00AM

The Statistical Society of Canada (SSC) announced that Professor Stephen Fienberg has been named the first recipient of the Lise Manchester Award. This biennieal award is to commemorate the late Dr Lise Manchester's abiding interest in making use of statistical methods to provide insights into matters of relevance to society at large. This new award recognizes excellence in 'state of the art' statistical research which considers problems of public interest and which is potentially useful for formation of Canadian public policy.

Stephen Fienberg Stephen Fienberg received this award for his 2006 paper "Privacy and Confidentiality in an e-Commerce World: Data Mining, Data Warehousing, Matching and Disclosure Limitation" published in the journal Statistical Science Vol. 21 No. 2, pp 143-154. This paper deals with the growing concerns regarding loss of privacy associated with the rapidly growing availability of online databases...

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May 21, 2008, 12:00AM

Oxford University Press has published Jay Kadane's "Statistics in the Law", a collection of cases and articles on the experience of being an expert statistical witness. The topics include race and age discrimination, the death penalty, tax and patent law, examination copying, election fraud, and many more.

The book will serve primarily as a user's manual or desk reference for the expert witness-lawyer team and secondarily as a textbook or supplemental textbook for upper level undergraduate statistics students. It starts with two articles by masters of the trade, Paul Meier and Franklin Fisher. It then explains the distinction between the Frye and Daughbert standards for expert testimony, and how these standards play out in court. The bulk of the book is concerned with individual cases ranging over a wide variety of topics, such as electronic draw poker (does it require skill to play), employment discrimination (how to tell whether an employer discriminated against older workers in deciding whom to fire), driving while black (did the New Jersey State Police disproportionately stop...

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May 1, 2008, 12:00AM

Carnegie Mellon University has announced it has received a major gift from Bruce and Astrid McWilliams to establish the Bruce and Astrid McWilliams Center for Cosmology in its Mellon College of Science. Researchers at the center will strive to unravel the mysteries of the universe through multidisciplinary efforts in astrophysics, particle physics, computer science and statistics.

Cosmology Logo

"Ingrained into the basic DNA of Carnegie Mellon is its ability to work across the boundaries of its departments and schools to form cohesive teams toward a common goal. For this reason the Cosmology Center will thrive at Carnegie Mellon because like few other universities, the interdisciplinary research that will be needed to understand the Cosmos can work better here than at any other institution I know of," said Bruce McWilliams.

A member of Carnegie Mellon's Board of Trustees, Bruce...

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March 24, 2008, 12:00AM

PITTSBURGH- William F. Eddy, a professor of statistics at Carnegie Mellon University, has received the school's first John C. Warner Professorship of Statistics. A distinguished scholar, Eddy has published more than 100 research papers and authored or edited 20 books and monographs.

Since joining Carnegie Mellon in 1976, Eddy has worked in a variety of disciplines, with research covering theoretical probability, statistics and applied problems. His current research focuses on the data generated by functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI), a technique used by cognitive neuroscientists to chart brain activity. Eddy is studying other types of imaging as well.

"For more than 30 years, Bill Eddy has had an enormous impact both on Carnegie Mellon, on the field of statistics, and on science," said John Lehoczky, dean of the University's College of Humanities and Social Sciences. "He has been a leader in statistical computing and graphics, and he is widely recognized for his contributions to neuroscience and brain imaging. This chair recognition is richly deserved."

In addition to his faculty post in the University's Statistics Department, Eddy holds...

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March 24, 2008, 12:00AM

Associate Teaching Professor of Statistics Oded Meyer has been named the winner of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences' 2007-2008 Elliott Dunlap Smith Award, which is presented annually in recognition of excellence in undergraduate teaching.
