Department of Statistics Unitmark
Dietrich College of Humanities and Social Sciences
October 16, 2007, 12:00AM

On Friday October 19 from 10-11:30 am please join us for a pre-workshop session of invited talks by some of Steve's former Ph.D. students to celebrate Steve Fienberg's 65th birthday. For more information please follow:

September 15, 2003, 12:00AM

The Department of Statistics had a pretty good summer. In fact, that may be something of an understatement.

The department has received a five-year, $2 million grant from the National Science Foundation to fund its Vertical Integration of Research and Education in the Mathematical Sciences (VIGRE) program, a national initiative to increase the number of U.S. citizens who pursue and complete doctor's degrees in the mathematical sciences. Statisticians are in demand because of the increasing amount of data generated by scientific research, as well as the growing complexity of that information, said Rob Kass, head of the Statistics Department.

The overriding objective of Carnegie Mellon's VIGRE program is to train students to solve a scientific problem by translating it into a statistical question, then explaining the results so that they can be understood by the scientific community. The program also prepares graduate students and postdoctoral fellows to be university-level statistics instructors.


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September 9, 2003, 12:00AM

Friday September 12, 2003 at 4:15 pm, University of Chicago Professor Steve Stigler will deliver the Seventh Morris H. DeGroot Memorial Lecture at 4:15 p.m., Friday, Sept. 12, in McConomy Auditorium, University Center. A reception follows in McKenna/Peter/Wright Rooms.

This biennial event is hosted by the Department of Statistics to honor the memory of its founding Head, Morris H. DeGroot. The lecture is in conjunction with the seventh workshop: "Case Studies in Bayesian Statisics," Friday Sept 12 - Saturday Sept 13. Further information at

September 2, 2003, 12:00AM

AAAS, the science society, today announced startling new estimates on the number of people who "disappeared" or were killed in Peru during a 20-year battle between government forces and Maoist insurgents that ended in the late 1990s.

A final, peer-reviewed version of the AAAS analysis, released today, "doubles earlier, incomplete estimates of how many people were killed," said Patrick Ball, Deputy Director of the AAAS Science and Human Rights Program. Ball served as co-author of the AAAS report, "How Many Peruvians Died?--An Estimate of the Total Number of Victims of the Internal Armed Conflict, 1980-2000," along with Jana Asher, a statistical consultant for AAAS, and David Sulmont, with Peru's Truth and Reconciliation Commission."

Some 69,280 people (in a confidence interval from 61,007 to 77,552) were murdered or disappeared during the turmoil in Peru, the AAAS report concludes.

The new estimates will be examined during discussions with Peruvian scientists, journalists and the report co-authors. "This exchange is important for the credibility of the report," Ball noted.

To come up with the death toll, the authors used statistical projections from...

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August 8, 2003, 12:00AM

Statistics Professor Brian Junker has been named editor of Psychometrika, the official journal of the Psychometric Society. The journal is devoted to the development of psychology as a quantitative rational science. Junker was previously associate editor of the journal.

July 24, 2003, 12:00AM

Thoughts from
Rob Kass

What can I tell you? Well, for starters, the folks (faculty and staff) you knew during your time here are nearly all still around. Possibly a bit wiser. Definitely a bit older. I myself this year passed a major milestone: I turned 50. To most of you who may be looking ahead with some curiosity about this age let me just say that it's really a wonderful time of life, particularly if you think you'll enjoy having a colonoscopy. I don't want to complain too much about my bodily functions, and the inevitable slowing down, but the other day I asked my school-aged son Nico if he wanted to go for a little jog with me, and he said, "Sure, Dad, but can I bring a book?"

July 18, 2003, 12:00AM

The Department of Statistics has received a five-year, $2 million grant from the National Science Foundation to fund the Vertical Integration of Research and Education in the Mathematical Sciences (VIGRE), a training program for undergraduate and graduate students and postdoctoral fellows that helps meet America's burgeoning need for statisticians who are trained to do interdisciplinary scientific research.

The overriding objective is to train students to solve a scientific problem by translating it into a statistical question, then explaining the results so they can be understood by the scientific community.

The program also prepares graduate students and postdoctoral fellows to be university-level statistics instructors. The long-range goal of VIGRE programs nationwide is to increase the number of U.S. citizens who pursue the mathematical sciences.

Statistics has also received a two-year, $50,000 grant from the Eli Lily Foundation to fund its Summer Undergraduate Research Internship Program. In partnership with Morehouse College in Atlanta, the department brings undergraduate minority students to Carnegie Mellon, where they spend eight weeks engaged in...

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July 7, 2003, 12:00AM

September 12-13, 2003
Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA


The Seventh Workshop on Case Studies of Bayesian Statistics will take
place on September 12th and 13th 2003 at Carnegie Mellon University,
Pittsburgh, PA.

The Workshop will feature in-depth presentations and
discussions of substantial applications of Bayesian statistics to
problems in science and technology, and poster presentations of
contributed papers on applied Bayesian work. In conjunction with the
workshop, the Department of Statistics' Seventh Morris H DeGroot
memorial lecture will be delivered by Stephen Stigler. Please see

Please register and submit contributed poster abstracts via our
webpage. Some travel support is available to workshop participants and
we especially want to encourage young researchers, women,
underrepresented minorities, and the handicapped to attend and apply
for support...

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June 30, 2003, 12:00AM

What: This short course "New Directions in Data Mining and Machine Learning" is intended for data mining professionals with an interest in new research results and their practical implications over the next 1-5 years.

Who: Carnegie Mellon's world-reknowned faculty in data mining and machine learning will teach this two-day course, sampling the latest research results with special emphasis on results having the greatest potential impact on applications.

March 21, 2003, 12:00AM

JAY KADANE, the Leonard J. Savage University Professor of Statistics and Social Sciences, and ROBERT KASS, the head of the Department of Statistics, are on the Institute for Scientific Information's (ISI) list of most highly cited researchers from 1981 to 1999 in mathematics. ISI, which provides products and services to researchers, scours the world's scholarly literature to find the 250 researchers per subject whose work is cited most often in scientific articles. ISI considers this index a key measure of scientific influence.
