Writing and Using Functions

15 September 2014


  • Defining functions: Tying related commands into bundles
  • Interfaces: Controlling what the function can see and do
  • Example: Parameter estimation code

Why Functions?

Data structures tie related values into one object

Functions tie related commands into one object

In both cases: easier to understand, easier to work with, easier to build into larger things

For example

# "Robust" loss function, for outlier-resistant regression
# Inputs: vector of numbers (x)
# Outputs: vector with x^2 for small entries, 2|x|-1 for large ones
psi.1 <- function(x) {
  psi <- ifelse(x^2 > 1, 2*abs(x)-1, x^2)

Our functions get used just like the built-in ones:

z <- c(-0.5,-5,0.9,9)
[1]  0.25  9.00  0.81 17.00

Go back to the declaration and look at the parts:

# "Robust" loss function, for outlier-resistant regression
# Inputs: vector of numbers (x)
# Outputs: vector with x^2 for small entries, |x| for large ones
psi.1 <- function(x) {
  psi <- ifelse(x^2 > 1, 2*abs(x)-1, x^2)

Interfaces: the inputs or arguments; the outputs or return value

Calls other functions ifelse(), abs(), operators ^ and >
could also call other functions we've written

return() says what the output is
alternately, return the last evaluation; I like explicit returns better

Comments: Not required by R, but a Very Good Idea
One-line description of purpose; listing of arguments; listing of outputs

What should be a function?

  • Things you're going to re-run, especially if it will be re-run with changes
  • Chunks of code you keep highlighting and hitting return on
  • Chunks of code which are small parts of bigger analyses
  • Chunks which are very similar to other chunks

will say more about design later

Named and default arguments

# "Robust" loss function, for outlier-resistant regression
# Inputs: vector of numbers (x), scale for crossover (c)
# Outputs: vector with x^2 for small entries, 2c|x|-c^2 for large ones
psi.2 <- function(x,c=1) {
  psi <- ifelse(x^2 > c^2, 2*c*abs(x)-c^2, x^2)
identical(psi.1(z), psi.2(z,c=1))
[1] TRUE

Default values get used if names are missing:

identical(psi.2(z,c=1), psi.2(z))
[1] TRUE

Named arguments can go in any order when explicitly tagged:

identical(psi.2(x=z,c=2), psi.2(c=2,x=z))
[1] TRUE

Checking Arguments

Problem: Odd behavior when arguments aren't as we expect

[1]  0.25  9.00  0.81 81.00
[1]   0.25 -11.00   0.81 -19.00

Solution: Put little sanity checks into the code

# "Robust" loss function, for outlier-resistant regression
# Inputs: vector of numbers (x), scale for crossover (c)
# Outputs: vector with x^2 for small entries, 2c|x|-c^2 for large ones
psi.3 <- function(x,c=1) {
  # Scale should be a single positive number
  stopifnot(length(c) == 1,c>0)
  psi <- ifelse(x^2 > c^2, 2*c*abs(x)-c^2, x^2)

Arguments to stopifnot() are a series of expressions which should all be TRUE; execution halts, with error message, at first FALSE (try it!)

What the function can see and do

  • Each function has its own environment
  • Names here over-ride names in the global environment
  • Internal environment starts with the named arguments
  • Assignments inside the function only change the internal environment
    There are ways around this, but they are difficult and best avoided; see Chambers, ch. 5, if you must
  • Names undefined in the function are looked for in the environment the function gets called from
    not the environment of definition

Internal environment examples

x <- 7
y <- c("A","C","G","T","U")
adder <- function(y) { x<- x+y; return(x) }
[1] 8
[1] 7
[1] "A" "C" "G" "T" "U"

Internal environment examples cont'd.

circle.area <- function(r) { return(pi*r^2) }
[1]  3.142 12.566 28.274
truepi <- pi
pi <- 3   # Valid in 1800s Indiana, or drowned R'lyeh
[1]  3 12 27
pi <- truepi      # Restore sanity
[1]  3.142 12.566 28.274

Respect the Interfaces!

Interfaces mark out a controlled inner environment for our code

Interact with the rest of the system only at the interface

Advice: arguments explicitly give the function all the information
Reduces risk of confusion and error
Exception: true universals like \( \pi \)

Likewise, output should only be through the return value

More about breaking up tasks and about environments later

Further reading: Herbert Simon, The Sciences of the Artificial

Example: Fitting a Model

Fact: bigger cities tend to produce more economically per capita

A proposed statistical model (Geoffrey West et al.):

\[ Y = y_0 N^{a} + \mathrm{noise} \]

where \( Y \) is the per-capita “gross metropolitan product” of a city, \( N \) is its population, and \( y_0 \) and \( a \) are parameters


gmp <- read.table("gmp.dat")
gmp$pop <- gmp$gmp/gmp$pcgmp
plot(pcgmp~pop, data=gmp, log="x", xlab="Population", 
  ylab="Per-Capita Economic Output ($/person-year)",
  main="US Metropolitan Areas, 2006")

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-12

Want to fit the model \[ Y = y_0 N^{a} + \mathrm{noise} \]

Take \( y_0=6611 \) for today

Approximate the derivative of error w.r.t \( a \) and move against it \[ \begin{eqnarray*} MSE(a) & \equiv & \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^{n}{(Y_i - y_0 N_i^a)^2}\\ MSE^{\prime}(a) & \approx & \frac{MSE(a+h) - MSE(a)}{h}\\ a_{t+1} - a_{t} & \propto & -MSE^{\prime}(a) \end{eqnarray*} \]

An actual first attempt at code:

maximum.iterations <- 100
deriv.step <- 1/1000
step.scale <- 1e-12
stopping.deriv <- 1/100
iteration <- 0
deriv <- Inf
a <- 0.15
while ((iteration < maximum.iterations) && (deriv > stopping.deriv)) {
  iteration <- iteration + 1
  mse.1 <- mean((gmp$pcgmp - 6611*gmp$pop^a)^2)
  mse.2 <- mean((gmp$pcgmp - 6611*gmp$pop^(a+deriv.step))^2)
  deriv <- (mse.2 - mse.1)/deriv.step
  a <- a - step.scale*deriv
list(a=a,iterations=iteration,converged=(iteration < maximum.iterations))
[1] 0.1258

[1] 58

[1] TRUE

What's wrong with this?

  • Not encapsulated: Re-run by cutting and pasting code — but how much of it? Also, hard to make part of something larger
  • Inflexible: To change initial guess at \( a \), have to edit, cut, paste, and re-run
  • Error-prone: To change the data set, have to edit, cut, paste, re-run, and hope that all the edits are consistent
  • Hard to fix: should stop when absolute value of derivative is small, but this stops when large and negative. Imagine having five copies of this and needing to fix same bug on each.

Will turn this into a function and then improve it

First attempt, with logic fix:

estimate.scaling.exponent.1 <- function(a) {
  maximum.iterations <- 100
  deriv.step <- 1/1000
  step.scale <- 1e-12
  stopping.deriv <- 1/100
  iteration <- 0
  deriv <- Inf
  while ((iteration < maximum.iterations) && (abs(deriv) > stopping.deriv)) {
    iteration <- iteration + 1
    mse.1 <- mean((gmp$pcgmp - 6611*gmp$pop^a)^2)
    mse.2 <- mean((gmp$pcgmp - 6611*gmp$pop^(a+deriv.step))^2)
    deriv <- (mse.2 - mse.1)/deriv.step
    a <- a - step.scale*deriv
  fit <- list(a=a,iterations=iteration,
    converged=(iteration < maximum.iterations))

Problem: All those magic numbers!

Solution: Make them defaults

estimate.scaling.exponent.2 <- function(a, y0=6611,
  maximum.iterations=100, deriv.step = .001,
  step.scale = 1e-12, stopping.deriv = .01) {
  iteration <- 0
  deriv <- Inf
  while ((iteration < maximum.iterations) && (abs(deriv) > stopping.deriv)) {
    iteration <- iteration + 1
    mse.1 <- mean((gmp$pcgmp - y0*gmp$pop^a)^2)
    mse.2 <- mean((gmp$pcgmp - y0*gmp$pop^(a+deriv.step))^2)
    deriv <- (mse.2 - mse.1)/deriv.step
    a <- a - step.scale*deriv
  fit <- list(a=a,iterations=iteration,
    converged=(iteration < maximum.iterations))

Problem: Why type out the same calculation of the MSE twice?
Solution: Declare a function

estimate.scaling.exponent.3 <- function(a, y0=6611,
  maximum.iterations=100, deriv.step = .001,
  step.scale = 1e-12, stopping.deriv = .01) {
  iteration <- 0
  deriv <- Inf
  mse <- function(a) { mean((gmp$pcgmp - y0*gmp$pop^a)^2) }
  while ((iteration < maximum.iterations) && (abs(deriv) > stopping.deriv)) {
    iteration <- iteration + 1
    deriv <- (mse(a+deriv.step) - mse(a))/deriv.step
    a <- a - step.scale*deriv
  fit <- list(a=a,iterations=iteration,
    converged=(iteration < maximum.iterations))

mse() declared inside the function, so it can see y0, but it's not added to the global environment

Problem: Locked in to using specific columns of gmp; shouldn't have to re-write just to compare two data sets
Solution: More arguments, with defaults

estimate.scaling.exponent.4 <- function(a, y0=6611,
  response=gmp$pcgmp, predictor = gmp$pop,
  maximum.iterations=100, deriv.step = .001,
  step.scale = 1e-12, stopping.deriv = .01) {
  iteration <- 0
  deriv <- Inf
  mse <- function(a) { mean((response - y0*predictor^a)^2) }
  while ((iteration < maximum.iterations) && (abs(deriv) > stopping.deriv)) {
    iteration <- iteration + 1
    deriv <- (mse(a+deriv.step) - mse(a))/deriv.step
    a <- a - step.scale*deriv
  fit <- list(a=a,iterations=iteration,
    converged=(iteration < maximum.iterations))

Respecting the interfaces: We could turn the while() loop into a for() loop, and nothing outside the function would care

estimate.scaling.exponent.5 <- function(a, y0=6611,
  response=gmp$pcgmp, predictor = gmp$pop,
  maximum.iterations=100, deriv.step = .001,
  step.scale = 1e-12, stopping.deriv = .01) {
  mse <- function(a) { mean((response - y0*predictor^a)^2) }
  for (iteration in 1:maximum.iterations) {
    deriv <- (mse(a+deriv.step) - mse(a))/deriv.step
    a <- a - step.scale*deriv
    if (abs(deriv) <= stopping.deriv) { break() }
  fit <- list(a=a,iterations=iteration,
    converged=(iteration < maximum.iterations))

What have we done?

The final code is shorter, clearer, more flexible, and more re-usable

Exercise: Run the code with the default values to get an estimate of \( a \); plot the curve along with the data points

Exercise: Randomly remove one data point — how much does the estimate change?

Exercise: Run the code from multiple starting points — how different are the estimates of \( a \)?


  • Functions bundle related commands together into objects: easier to re-run, easier to re-use, easier to combine, easier to modify, less risk of error, easier to think about
  • Interfaces control what the function can see (arguments, environment) and change (its internals, its return value)
  • Calling functions we define works just like calling built-in functions: named arguments, defaults

Next time: working with many functions