For this progress report, your write up should include a preliminary
review of related literature and work. You should aim to demonstrate
that you understand the related approaches, even if you have chosen a
different approach.
Please describe your progress so far and relate it to your original
plan. This should also include a description of what worked well, and
what did not. Example items to discuss:
- How you are setting up your optimization problems
- What algorithms you have tried for solving these problems
- Information gained from experimenting with your data set
- Plots of intermediate results, on simulated data if necessary
Additionally, please describe how your plan has changed for the future
in light of your work so far and a revised time line for completion.
Please remember that the milestone is halfway through the project. You
should be well more than halfway through achieving your minimal
success criteria identified in your proposal in order to have a chance
at producing a great project. We recognize that this does not
necessarily mean you have accomplished exactly half of your criteria.