Conference in Honor of Rob Tibshirani's 65th Birthday

Who: The one and only 🔥🔥🔥 ROBERT TIBSHIRANI 🚀🚀🚀 and guests
What: Tibshiranniversaire, Rob's 65th birthday conference
Where: Neurosciences Building, East Wing - E241, Stanford University
When: 8:30am - 5:00pm on Friday September 16, 2022

***** Want to attend? Register 👉👉👉 HERE! 👈👈👈 *****

About Rob

Rob Tibshirani has been on faculty at Stanford University for nearly 25 years, and on the faculty at the University of Toronto for nearly 15 years prior to that. His work has been among the most impactful of any living researcher in statistics. His 1996 paper proposing the lasso, a method for variable selection, spawned one of the most active research areas in statistics for decades. While his impact on the field of statistics itself is enormous, a hallmark of Rob's career is his commitment to having a practical impact beyond the field. In biomedicine, his work on significance testing for microarrays and other statistical learning methods have been immensely influential. A talented expositor, Rob has co-authored several of the most important textbooks for communicating modern statistical ideas to new audiences, including The Elements of Statistical Learning, An Introduction to Statistical Learning, and An Introduction to the Bootstrap.

Rob is known for his kindness and generosity of spirit, and is legendary for the high-quality mentoring that he has provided over the years not only to his own Ph.D. students, but also to uncountably many junior researchers with whom he has crossed paths. His students, colleagues, friends, and family will join together for a day-long celebratory symposium to honor the tremendous impact Rob has had!


Hotel Options

The Stanford area boasts a number of hotels, many of which are exorbitantly expensive. Here are three hotel options that we recommend for out-of-town guests: